Welcome to Sahaja Yoga

A unique method of meditation that allows you to discover inner peace.


Sahaja Yoga begins with an effortless and spontaneous experience. With this first experience (known as self-realization) you gain a new dimension in your consciousness and you are a witness to the absolute truth. Anyone can do it. Practice for a few days and you should witness positive changes within yourself.


Today all of humanity is shaken up and going through unprecedented times. Taking care of personal health has never been so crucial. Everyone needs to take a pause and look within their inner being. But how do you achieve balance, relieve stress and improve health? Meditating every day is the key to unlock the power within each of us.

Learn About Inner Peace!


Internal energy, or Kundalini, is a relaxing spiritual energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. It is an expression of the pure desire to evolve and improve ourselves, something that we all possess. When you wake up, it rises through the central channel, clearing and activating your chakras. It allows you to achieve your self-realization.When the energy of Kundalini rises through the Chakras, it releases these tensions and therefore cleanses us of imbalances.

Chakras & Channels

The three energy channels in your body: left, center, and right. They correspond to your nervous system and connect your chakras.The three work together in sync to integrate and balance your internal energy and therefore your well-being. The chakras control most aspects of our physical, mental, and spiritual lives. Difficulties in life can often be attributed to imbalances or blockages in one or more chakras. this is sample texneed to be written on the lines fo the


It is through meditation that we can all achieve Yoga, that is, the Union between our spirit and our mind, within Sahaja Yoga, it is a very simple method through which we can feel inner peace and a very beautiful state that It is called consciousness without thoughts, that is, we are aware of ourselves but we find ourselves without thoughts that come from both the past and our future. this is sample textoneed to be written with In the content for gh code so the 

Meditation On Each Chakras

Experience peace with meditation working on each chakra.

Self Realization

Mother Kundalini, Please allow me to feel my self-realization.

Mooladhara Meditation

Mother Kundalini, Please establish innocence within me!

Swadisthana Meditationi

Mother Kundalini, Please establish creativity within me!

Nabhi Meditation

Mother Kundalini, Please establish Peace within me!

Anahata Meditation

Mother Kundalini, Please establish Love and compassion within me!

Vishuddhi Meditation

Mother Kundalini, Please establish the collective consciousness in me!

Agnya Meditation

Mother Kundalini, Please establish Forgiveness within me!

Sahasrara Meditation

Mother Kundalini, Please establish Inner Integration!

Music for Meditation

Music is a great help for a deep meditation experience. Customize the soundtrack to your liking with our music player, which includes exclusive recordings of world-class musicians.

Roots of Sahaja Yoga?

Sahaja Yoga was founded in 1970 by Nirmala Srivastava (1923-2011), known by millions of Her spiritual followers as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Shri Mataji discovered a technique to awaken the Kundalini energy within human beings. She dedicated Her life to teaching people of all nationalities, races and religious backgrounds how to use Sahaja Yoga to better theirs. She envisioned the regular practice of Sahaja Yoga producing evolved societies, where people lead joyful, balanced lives.