
What is Kundalini?

“Kundalini” is the word given to describe the subtle energy which is hosted in the sacred bone of every human being (that is why the Greeks called this bone “sacred”). The main function of this energy is to provide the reach of the “Yoga” that is to say “the union between our heart and our spirit”. Indeed, to let this happen one should have an intense desire to reach this state throughout meditation. With the pure desire within this energy simply awakens and rises along our spine in a space called “Lumen”. Thanks to Shri Mataji who opened the last chakra for all the human beings, this energy is able to flaw and reach the “Fontanelle” area which is the channel between us and the supreme God, the Paramchaytanya, the creative energy. Furthermore, to reach such a point we need the help of a person whose energy is already awakened and together with our pure desire, this energy can finally nourish us all.

What is Meditation?

It is through the meditation that we can reach the “Yoga”, union between the spirit and the heart. In Sahaja Yoga there is a very simple way to achieve that pure connection and peaceful sensation inside. What’s more, this state leads to the so called “thoughtless awareness” that is to say “we become aware of our true self” detaching from our past and future thoughts which do not allow us to live in the present moment as we should do. In fact, In our daily lives we are not able to enjoy of the present moment because we are controlled by our thoughts, as a consequence, there is no connection, we are always attached to our emotions and our past events or always planning some future events. However, this does not happen when meditating: there are no dualisms, no yesterday or tomorrow; we are just connected to something higher which is our pure Spirit within, the essence of all the things existing in the world.

Kundalini is a Motherly Energy

When the Kundalini energy rises through our Chakras, it releases these tensions and therefore cleanses us of imbalances. Furthermore, the positive qualities associated with each Chakra are awakened within us. Hence, the Kundalini is often referred to as a motherly energy as it nourishes our being and helps us to grow into a more complete personality.

This kind of ‘healing’ is a spontaneous happening which occurs only when the Kundalini is raised through our pure desire. It cannot be achieved through any mental or physical efforts, hence why the aim of meditation is to go thoughtless and to witness this living process within us.

The brain limits our ability to grow as it prevents us from surrendering to a process which it cannot see or has not yet experienced. The power of the Kundalini to transform is far greater than our minds and transcends human rationality. It removes all that causes us to stagnate in life and raises us to a higher level of being, beyond ego and conditionings. So our Kundalini expedites the living process of our evolution

Kundalini and Meditation

The Kundalini is the reflection of God in each of us, it is the energy that develops our state of meditation. When the person surrenders with a pure desire to this experience, it, the Kundalini ascends through our subtle system of energies and balances us. Through the meditation experience, the kundalini is responsible for our ascent and it pervades with its pure and soft energy our nervous system regulating the functions of our body. Its amin function acts during the experience of meditation: on the one hand it balances our chakras, on the other hand it supports our vital systems of the proper for our development. Indeed, it has a positive impact on our vital system: it increases the digestive, the respiratory and reproductive system and so on and so forth and at the same time “chakras” nourish each aspect of our inner and purest self.

Kundalini and Yoga

Yoga, or better the union between our Spirit that resides in our heart and brain, is achieved through our meditation. It is through this union that our brain begins to function in permanent contact with our heart, and thus our actions become more pure, honest, balanced, innocent and wise. Every thought that comes out of our brain will be through our Spirit, it will be the Kundalini energy that will guide us and give us that Divine Union. In fact, our Spirit divine light that illuminates us. So, from that moments our actions start to act for the benevolence of the inner evolution. This is the epitome of creation where the human being reaches in his most conscious state this union with God. We are energetic beings emanating energy and our main question should be “where should my attention and energy go?” . The only answer will be that our energy should focus on the connection with ourselves and so, with God, the universe, the creative source.

Vibratory awarenes

It is through this vibratory consciousness that awakens in us with meditation that we are able to feel our chakras and our Kundalini energy. As we have expressed before, our Kundalini sends us signs of how our chakras are and our attention becomes more pure. Moreover, in our hands it can be perceived the state of the chakras as well as we can feel the fresh breeze coming from Shri Mataji’s photograph which also gives us self-realization through this energy coming from the fontanel bone. Vibratory awareness is a fundamental tool in Sahaj Yoga because everything is verifiable; each practitioner of this technique, in fact, has been able to feel this energy in their hands.

Kundalini y
Sahaja Yoga 

Thanks to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, we can reach the “Yoga” without much effort together with a very simple exercise of guided meditation led by our pure desire. Thanks to this exercise, our Kundalini energy begins to ascend through our central channel of energies and sends us signals on the energetically state of our interior. When the Kundalini finds some imbalance, it sends us signals through our hands and shows us where we should pay more attention. So step by step we are able to clean our chakras and allow our kundalini energy to do its work to reach the state of “Yoga”