Sahaja Yoga

What is Sahaja Yoga?

Sahaja Yoga is a meditation method which takes you far beyond your mental, emotional and physical activity and allows you establish a connection with your true self which can be found in every human being. In Sanskrit, Sahaj means “born with” (“Saha” with “ja” born) and Yoga that is “union”. As a consequence, the name is translated as “the union with which we are born”. This union is established between your true self and the omnipresent power that permeates all the elements of life. This can be acquired through a process that awakens a latent energy called “Kundalini” which can be found in every human being. This process is known as “auto-realization”. Once the Kundalini is awakened, the person experiences a marvellous state of “thoughtless awareness” where the mind is in complete silence and simply witnesses the present moment.

What is the difference between Sahaja Yoga and other types of yoga?

The Sahaja Yoga method is unique: through the experience of the Kundalini awakening, the process of thoughtless awareness becomes spontaneous and it does not require any type of mental control. It is a life experience which allows us to live more consciously, free from the limitations of our mental perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. It is such state of thoughtless awareness that differentiates Sahaja Yoga from other types of meditations. It is a transforming state which affects our general experience of life and , as a consequence, the capability of feeling joy and peace within increases naturally. The effects of a true meditation are long-lasting and are even growing with the regular practice. Another characteristic defining Sahaja Yoga is that it allows you to be become your own master. There are no levels, certificates or hierarchies involved. All the people which give meditation classes, whether online or in person, are all voluntaries. The knowing and the experience of Sahaja Yoga will be always and unconditionally 100% free.

Roots of Sahaja Yoga?

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is unique in the story of spirituality because she has been the first and only one to have offered the experience of “self-realization” among the masses. She once declared that it is in everyone’s birth right, independently from one’s religion, race, nationality or circumstance, that of receive “self-realization”. She also insisted that one should not pay anything to achieve “the truth” or to acquire the self-knowledge that is why the “realization” has always been offered and will be always offered in a form which is free of charge.

Benefits of Sahaja Yoga

The Sahaja Yoga meditation is strictly connected with the nervous system that controls all our mental, physical and emotional activity. Indeed, it has the potential to dramatically improve our well-being going straight to the source of every problem. The immediate effects of raising our Kundalini energy can be perceived as an experience of mental freedom and a spontaneous state of happiness where one simply becomes a witness and takes advantage of the present moment. Nevertheless, the positive effects of this state are even more.

When the Kundalini awakens, it both balances and carries away all the tensions which have been accumulated in the central part of our nervous system that is to say: stress, emotional and physical pain. No effort is required to heal this wounded parts. However, with the regular practice the nervous system is constantly cleansed and it becomes more and more resistant to the various types of unbalances. So, when always connecting to the essence of our true self one becomes more centred and becomes a more lovable and satisfied being.

Global participation of Sahaja Yoga

In its worldly spread centres, Sahaja Yoga organizes different activities: not only free weekly programs which both help people preserving their balance in their lives and keeping people away from the negative habits; but also local free programs in rehabilitation centres which have a positive impact on people who suffer from alcohol and drug issues.

It also organizes free meditation sessions in working centres and hospitals, for example: The National Institute of Health (Washington DF); Studio de la Fox (Los Angeles, California), Motorola (Chicago, Illinois), Nortel (Dallas, Texas), Medical centre of Thunderbird Samaritean and the John C. Lincoln Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, etc. Furthermore, Sahaja Yoga helped many talented artists to enhance their creativity skills though some associations which are mentioned as follows: “The Theatre of The Eternal Values” created for the European Vishwa Nirmal Dharma and the so called “Cine Immaculata studios”. It has also collaborated with the UNESCO in the EEUU for the formation of peace leaders.

“This power of Kundalini, which is your individual mother; is waiting in the sacrum bone and knows all about your past and all about your aspirations, your future. So She knows your problem. She is your individual Mother and She is anxious to give you your second birth. Once it happens automatically you start seeing things very clearly in the light of the spirit, because light gets enlightened, spirit gets enlightened. And you start seeing yourself clearly, understanding what you have. Then you know how to cure yourself, improve yourself.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – 15 July 1996