Experience Self Realization
The self-realization process is effortless. The Kundalini energy, quietly resting at the base of our spine, gently awakens. This energy then goes up the spine, illuminating each of the energy centers (chakras) along the way and integrating them. Finally it reaches the top of the head and connects with the omnipresent power of divine Love: the Paramchaitanya. When this connection between individual energy and omnipresent power occurs, the flow of breeze-like vibrations occurs. This is a very tangible direct experience. You can feel it in your central nervous system by feeling a gentle breeze in the palms of your hands and on the top of your head. You feel relaxed. Your attention becomes pure and clear. You enter a very peaceful meditative state of thoughtless awareness.
Guided Meditations
Feel the innocence within.
Awaken your inner knowing.
Experience satisfaction and inner Peace.
Feel the safety of your spirit.
Establish the collective conscience.
Experience the inner silence.
Feel the connection with your inner energy.
Experience the Global Meditation

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