Agnya Chakra

The left side of the Agnya, known as our “Superego” is where all our past conditionings are stored. That is, all our personality traits that do not reflect our true self , but the ones of our friends, family, nationality or education. The thoughts, emotions, and actions that derive from our conditioning can cause us to stagnate, especially if they are merely an automatic response based on our past experiences. When this centre is blocked, we can become too self-critical, seeing ourselves as a failure in view of our past conditioning and mistakes. By clearing this centre we are brought into the present moment by which we can be guided by our Spirit and experience the truth of the situation we are in without any attachment to the past.

Location: Optical Kiasma

On the breast: Ring finger

On the foot:Fourth toe

Physiological Functions: Regulates vision, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland which in turn controls the functioning of the remaining glands in the body. Mental activity depends largely on this chakra.

On a psychic level, it controls the ego and super-ego, generating attitudes of tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, non-violence and acceptance of ourselves and others.

The main qualities of the central Agnya chakra are forgiveness and humility. Furthermore, in meditation the goal is to be in the present moment so in thoughtlessness. We can only free ourselves from our thoughts when we truly forgive ourselves and all others, which is achieved through humility. Recognizing that we are all human beings and therefore tend to make mistakes, allows us to leave the past behind and avoid worrying about the future. Thus, a gentle temperament, is in fact a great power that allows us to reach a higher state.

The right side of the Agnya , which refers to the “Ego”; generates all the ideas we create about ourselves. The widespread self-centered culture of “I” makes us constantly think about our identity, our achievements, our future, our preferences and our opinions. All of these thoughts create an illusion about who we really are and lead us away from the realization. We do not recognize the fact that that our essence is in our pure Spirit; in fact, all the people are part of this universal “oneness”. When this centre is blocked, we develop superiority feelings and we feel that we are doing a lot. When we feed this chakra, we experience a state of humbleness and surrendering.

Improving Meditation

Foot Soak

Simple and inexpensive, dipping your feet in salt water is the daily habit you didn’t know you needed. Imagine standing with your feet in the ocean, letting it ease your stress and calm your mind. Fortunately, foot soaking can also be done in the comfort of your home.

Candle Flame

Are you feeling lethargic, overly emotional, or depressed? The left channel works correctly when we are in a balanced emotional state. This channel can freeze when out of balance, leaving us sad or helpless. To bring light and heat back indoors, try a candle flame.

Hand on Chakra

We can heal ourselves with the energy that flows through our hands, once our Kundalini awakens. Placing our hand on a Chakra is an easy and effective way to invigorate it and strengthen its qualities in us.