Central channel

The central channel is the channel of balance and spiritual evolution. It is also called the middle path.

Your central energy channel travels from the sacrum bone at the base of your spine straight up your spine towards the final chakra (Sahasrara).

Spiritual evolution and integration with the collective consciousness is the essential quality of the central channel.

When we no longer seek material well-being and wish to find a more innate sense of contentment and purpose, it is through the qualities of the central channel that we can find what we are searching for.

Your Kundalini rises through this central channel at the time of Self-Realization.

Your central channel is the path to the Sahasrara chakra.

With Self-Realization, your Kundalini energy uses this central channel to reach the Sahasrara chakra. It nourishes and strengthens it as it flows through it.

As we meditate in thoughtless awareness, the attention gradually stops swinging from the left channel to the right channel, from the past to the future and settles into the central channel. Our attention is then able to remain centered. We exist in the present moment and experience true inner peace and joy.

Your key to developing a strong central channel is regular meditation in thoughtless awareness.

Improving Meditation

Foot Soak

Simple and inexpensive, dipping your feet in salt water is the daily habit you didn’t know you needed. Imagine standing with your feet in the ocean, letting it ease your stress and calm your mind. Fortunately, foot soaking can also be done in the comfort of your home.