Anahata Chakra

The heart is on the left side, it is the residence of the true Self which is the Spirit, the “Atma”.

Many times, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has told us: “You are nothing but the Eternal Spirit”. We have to become this Spirit, we have to develop ourselves, and all the rest will seem futile. The Spirit is the very essence of spiritual life, the subtle aspect of life and knowledge.

It is through the Spirit that we exist because It is the primary source of life in us, as in the whole universe. It is the Self in the pure state, the Immaculate Consciousness, the Silent Witness of all our experiences. But we still have to identify with it. After Realization, where this connection with Spirit and the Whole (Brahman is established, it progressively eliminates our false identifications (with our body, our mind, our emotions). Our evolution is truly enriched and deepened when we place our attention at the level of the heart. We then begin to feel the Omnipresent Love which is the very essence of Kundalini.

Thus, we achieve “Yoga” the “Union” with the Absolute and merge into It.

This experience can manifest automatically when the ego and super-ego are absorbed and return to their initial place. The ego must return to its normal role which is to be the instrument of the Spirit to act (the servant of the Spirit) and not to take control and dominate.

Location: Heart plexus

In the hand: Little finger

On the foot: Fifth toe

Physiological functions: Heart, bronchial tubes, lungs, immune system, thymus gland

The central heart is the chakra that gives us the sense of security and confidence in ourselves.

On a body level, the central heart is associated with the production of thymus antibodies. On an individual level, the protection of the Spirit is expressed in motherhood. The mother is the first relationship we know and the mother’s instinct is to protect her child at any cost. This experience of existence, which is built in us throughout the innumerable lives we have known in our evolution from the animal state, has given us this inner sense of security, so that we can perceive the maximum protective power of Atma (Spirit) that is manifested by the Mother of the Universe. Through love, strength and self-confidence we can face life as victorious warriors. The heart chakra is the very basis of our inner strength. This strength is necessary to protect our immune system and resist the invasion of disease. If this motherly love was lacking during our childhood, a weakness may become evident at the chakra level. It is on the right side of the heart plexus of our nervous system that this chakra is found.

It is this chakra that governs our sense of responsibility and duty, specifically in our role as citizen, father, brother and husband. A well-established right heart is found in anyone who has integrated perfect behaviour into it.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given us the description of such a person: self-confident and expresses herself all the time with sincerity. She knows what behaviour to adopt in any circumstance and how to face it with dignity. Her sense of duty does not prevent her from being attentive and sweet to others. Her personal interests come after collective interests and her attention is devoted to the welfare of others.

It is the right heart that manifests the rules, the limits of just behavior. These rules are based on the same idea: to do everything for the well-being and evolution of the other, who can be the brother, the sister, the father, the companion, the whole community. This person is in charge of maintaining and giving confidence to those around him, with kindness, for his benevolence. This inner subtlety develops the fineness of our behaviour; in Hindi it is called “Sankocha” that is to say “this sense of modesty and tact that shows our love and respect for others.”

Improving Meditation


Hand on chakra

We can heal ourselves with the energy that flows through our hands, once our Kundalini awakens. Placing our hand on a Chakra is an easy and effective way to invigorate it and strengthen its qualities in us.

Candle Flame

Are you feeling lethargic, overly emotional, or depressed? The left channel works correctly when we are in a balanced emotional state. This channel can freeze when out of balance, leaving us sad or helpless. To bring light and heat back indoors, try a candle flame.