Nabhi Chakra

The principle of left Nabhi aims to eliminate hatred and tension between people. It represents the inner peace and the home, its function is to absorb the tensions of the family members and provides the well-being.

For instance, the woman’s role is of utmost importance in this subtle centre, she is the source of this peace and who prevents the frictions between people. It is essential for women to fulfil this role. Indeed, it has been said: “only where women are respected, God resides. It is a guarantee of well-being, of harmony, but also of material prosperity.”

Location: Solar Plexus

In the hand: Middle finger

On the foot: first toe

Physiological functions: Controls stomach, small and large intestine, part of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, adrenal glands, as well as the lymphatic system.

The spiritual evolution of mankind also corresponds to the development of the chakras in our subtle system. The Nabhi chakra represents the evolutionary point where the human being was able to call “home” and it is the place where we develop qualities to maintain the family unit which is a source of satisfaction in itself, beyond being just an aspect of reproduction. This domestic satisfaction translates into the satisfaction we feel with life in general after our spiritual awakening through Self-Relization. This center of energy is directly related to the level of satisfaction we feel in our lives in all aspects. When this chakra is in balance, we experience a complete sense of inner peace and it can also indicate that we are approaching the end of our search for spiritual truth. However, as our subtle system is best established once this centre has been properly nourished by Kundalini. The correct functioning of this chakra is an essential component in our search for peace, since without an inner satisfaction about the conditions of our life, we cannot know Peace or progress in our subtle journey.

In physical terms it corresponds to the solar plexus, the Nabhi is responsible for the innervation of the diaphragm, stomach, small intestine, part of the large intestine, kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, spleen, part of the liver and gall bladder as well as the lymphatic system. For example, if the functioning of the stomach is disturbed, digestion and assimilation of nutrients are affected, causing tension and subtle damage to the chakra, it is necessary to take care of our attitude towards food and our way of eating without being attached to it. Similarly, if we eat while we are in a hurry, worried or angry, the digestion is not done in a convenient way

Satisfaction is the key word of the Nabhi Chakra. Some people with a “hot liver” are by nature very irritable, for them life without worry is unthinkable and they will express their discontent with the slightest excuse. When our Spirit manifests, we are able to see things from their true perspective and worry becomes unusual. The right Nabhi is the center of well-being, both physical, material and financial.

As man developed his creative powers, he also learned how to take advantage of nature’s resources and thus, managed to grow prosperously. Prosperity is a necessary step in evolution and money is the valid means of exchange to satisfy man’s essential needs. If we do not have the means to meet our basic needs, then our attention will be continually preoccupied and diverted. Only when these needs are met can our attention be focused on our spiritual balance and upliftment.

Improving Meditation

Foot Soak

Simple and inexpensive, dipping your feet in salt water is the daily habit you didn’t know you needed. Imagine standing with your feet in the ocean, letting it ease your stress and calm your mind. Fortunately, foot soaking can also be done in the comfort of your home.

Hand on Chakra

We can heal ourselves with the energy that flows through our hands, once our Kundalini awakens. Placing our hand on a Chakra is an easy and effective way to invigorate it and strengthen its qualities in us.