Swadhistana Chakra

The left aspect represents knowledge. We must take this word in a different sense from the ordinary, by which knowledge means “to remember a description or explanation”. Here knowledge means “ to know” which comes from an experience. 

For example: swimming, cycling, the piano, or the English language can be known as such. As a consequence, knowing a book about such a method does not constitute true knowledge, but consists in knowing exactly the story of another’s experience, which may give a particular pleasure, but in no case a useful knowledge.

Pure or Divine knowledge means to have experience and practice which is materialized by vibrations: their codes, the way to give them to others, to awaken them, to perceive them, to raise the kundalini, to correct the imbalance. The left Swadhistan acts in every learning as well as in every activity, and therefore, in the teaching. It is spoiled by all false knowledge and particularly by that which touches the meaning of life and the spirit, for these are the most essential.

Location: Aortic Plexus

In the hand: Thumb

On the foot: third toe

Physiological functions: controls part of the liver, part of the large intestine, seminal vesicles, bladder, kidneys, uterus, ovaries and spleen.

This chakra is where the energy of our creativity is born, the inspiration for the arts. Ever since man has been able to manifest himself, he has not stopped creating. In the beginnings of humanity, man had to find ways to feed himself and take shelter. Whats is more, for centuries, he had to create, organize in order to lead a civilization governed by laws and will always continue to evolve. This development, this intelligence, this evolution has its roots in the Swadhistan chakra.

The right aspect has as main quality “The Attention”, which is like a radar that indicates us where this our conscience (understood as lucidity), is similar to an arrow that is directed with precision to its objective. Attention should not be confused with mental activity, that is to say, with thoughts that come from the ego and superego.

Before our realization, our attention constantly flees towards the outside, staggering in the waves of thoughts and feelings, we are not capable of bringing our attention towards the interior of ourselves. Now, it is with the awakening of the kundalini that we are going to interiorize our attention and reunite it with the spirit because it is there where we must stabilize it: in the peace of the spirit, in the pure tranquillity of the conscience without thoughts

Improving Meditation

Foot Soak

Simple and inexpensive, dipping your feet in salt water is the daily habit you didn’t know you needed. Imagine standing with your feet in the ocean, letting it ease your stress and calm your mind. Fortunately, foot soaking can also be done in the comfort of your home.

Ice Pack

Are you feeling exhausted and exhausted? The liver is like an overheated running engine, constantly working to fuel the brain. Refresh your thoughts by meditating with an ice pack on your liver.

Candle Flame

Are you feeling lethargic, overly emotional, or depressed? The left channel works correctly when we are in a balanced emotional state. This channel can freeze when out of balance, leaving us sad or helpless. To bring light and heat back indoors, try a candle flame.