
The left side of the Void governs our ability to discern right from wrong and therefore conviction in our own decisions. The saying to make a decision based on our “instinct” actually comes from the natural intuition we gain when our Void (located over our gut area) is balanced.

By nurturing this area, we can establish a much stronger sense of right from wrong to the point where we can actually feel the subtle energy of the places and people within reach. Therefore, we can become very decisive individuals without our own egos coming into play. The insecurity of becoming one’s own master and being dominated by others can block the left void and prevent us from being able to guide our own growth.

The Void, or “Bhavasagara”, lies within our abdominal cavity and is the center of our self-mastery. It contains the Nabhi Chakra in its center while the Swadisthan Chakra revolves around it. Thus, creating its circumference. As the Nabhi Chakra governs our sense of satisfaction and the Swadisthana Chakra controls our attention. The gap between them represents how far our attention is from the truth of our existence.

When our attention is focused on materialistic ideas of money and possessions, or focused on our family, our work, our achievements or failures, the Void can be blocked. On the other hand, when we clear our Void, we can guide ourselves and others with a clear awareness of reality.

The right part of the Void relates to our sense of Dharma or righteous conduct. The term”Dharma” refers to ” living and acting for sustenance and preservation”, that is, you live in a way that is benevolent to you and all those around you. It can be seen as sustainability that extends from the environmental perspective to the social, emotional and spiritual aspects. In the sense that we take care of ourselves and others in a balanced and sustainable way. Trying to dominate others goes against this principle and will block this area. To become true teachers, we must not abuse ourselves or others, but rather explore how to live according to the laws of nature.

Improving Meditation

Foot Soak

Simple and inexpensive, dipping your feet in salt water is the daily habit you didn’t know you needed. Imagine standing with your feet in the ocean, letting it ease your stress and calm your mind. Fortunately, foot soaking can also be done in the comfort of your home.

Candle Flame

Are you feeling lethargic, overly emotional, or depressed? The left channel works correctly when we are in a balanced emotional state. This channel can freeze when out of balance, leaving us sad or helpless. To bring light and heat back indoors, try a candle flame.